
Showing posts from 2007

HotBook Pro

Changing hostname

Two issues with Cover Flow in Finder

Mail: insane contextual menus

Apple Mail, Courier IMAP redeemed

Leopard Help: borderline unusable

Spaces is broken

MacBook Pro problems not "fixed in Leopard"

MacBook Pro: second impressions

PowerBook follow-up

MacBook Pro: first impressions

"Sure, I've got a backup. No, really."

This just in: iCal still sucks

A few things iPod

Upgrading a Mac Pro's memory

Hewlett Packard: the shame

Apple Mail sounds disappear

iTunes Store redeemed

iTunes Store audiobook debacle

Why does iTunes randomly "update" some tracks?


Mac Pro indecision

Power supply finale

Daylight saving time: really not that hard

Mac Pro purchase imminent

A new scanner

Power supply: mysteriously working again

More power supply woes

OCR in Preview

Strange PowerBook G4 power supply behaviour