
Showing posts from 2009

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iPhone (and iPod touch) feature request


Saturday morning reboots

iPhone 3GS + E92 BMW 335i via Bluetooth

iPhone: I bit the bullet

Parallels Desktop 4

Time Capsule, AppleCare and Priority "Tools Down" Service Fee: Worth every cent

Hewlett-Packard: crap installers since 1939

Printer for Mac OS X

Time to dump NetNewsWire?

iPhone exhaustion

iPod touch as PDA: milestone

We have the technology

Installing a new font

Time Machine broken again

iTunes: a laugh a minute

Time Capsule user interface annoyances

Amazon brings Kindle to iPhone, just not to Australia

Safari 4 Beta: second impressions

Mac Pro DVD drives are easily replaced

Safari 4 Beta: first impressions

iTunes Store: is this really the best you can do?